About Bonanza Valley Voice

The Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper is a weekly publication printed and released on Wednesdays and sent to rural customers on Thursdays located in central Minnesota in the community of Brooten. The Voice is a fierce defender of all things small town and the tried-and-true country way of life in America. Our newspaper proudly serves a number of area towns including, but not limited to: Brooten, Elrosa, Grove Lake, Padua, Sedan, Sunburg, Regal, Terrace, Georgeville and the Norway Lake area. The Voice is the legal newspaper for the city of Brooten, the city of Belgrade and for Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa District No. 2364. Also prominent across our pages is full-time coverage of B-B-E schools, the school's Fine Arts programs and its varsity athletic teams.

Highlighted in our pages are stories rich with information on local families, townspeople, businesses and events in the Bonanza Valley area taking place every week of the year.

To submit obituaries, please email bonanzavalvoice@tds.net. Obituary submissions with photos cost $40. Obituaries with no photos and also death or funeral notices are published at no charge. We ask that a reasonably high-quality photo be included if you want to have a photo with your obituary. The content of the obituary can be sent in a Word Document or in the body of your email. Submission deadlines are Mondays each week. For example, the first issue of 2022 was published on January 6. To get it into that week's issue, an obituary would have to have been emailed any time on Monday, January 3 (evenings are fine too). This gives us proper time on Tuesdays to include obituaries and add extra pages if necessary to the layout. In some cases, we can include an obituary if it is sent on Tuesdays, but space limitations may lower the chances of that happening.

Circulation is currently (January 1, 2025) over 1,650 copies per week, mostly through paid subscriptions. As of now (January 1, 2025) we have over 1,590 paid subscribers who enjoy the Bonanza Valley Voice each week. When the publisher purchased the newspaper in January 2015, circulation was at around 680 copies per week. Today, we are far and away the largest newspaper in our price range in central Minnesota.

Subscription prices are as follows in 2025: $30 for local subscribers who live in Swift, Kandiyohi, Stearns or Pope counties. For local residents who move south for the winter and change their address to a southern state, the cost is $37 a year for a subscription. For anyone living outside of those four counties, the subscription price is $37 a year.

We rely on news tips and story ideas from the public. If you have such a thing to offer, please e-mail the publisher at bonanzavalvoice@tds.net or lifeinbonanzavalley@gmail.com.

The Voice is a fierce defender of all things small town and the tried-and-true country way of life in America.

Office open on Mondays and Tuesdays; the best email contact is lifeinbonanzavalley@gmail.com. Phone number (320) 346-2400.

Subscriptions: $30 for local and $37 for out of area (outside Pope, Stearns, Kandiyohi, Swift counties).

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