Bonanza Valley Voice Advertising Info

To find out how you can advertise your event or business in the Bonanza Valley Voice, contact the publisher at You can call the office and leave a message at (320) 346-2400.

OFFICE HOURS, Winter 2024-2025: the newspaper office is open for winter in early 2025 on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., plus on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call ahead for an appointment outside of those hours.

Anyone interested in advertising can get their message out through our print newspaper in display ads or the classified and directory section.

All paid classifieds in the print newspaper are added to our website free of charge.

Birthday ads, wedding/engagement notices and birth announcements cost $20 (birthday ads can cost more depending on the information and if a photo is used or not). If photos/information is e-mailed to us ( we can send back a proof for approval. Payments can be made by check or by Venmo = @bonanzavalleyminnesota. The cost for a basic Card of Thanks is $10 without a photo.

Assumed name legal notice publishings for businesses costs $80 per business, total, for a two-week publishing of the notice. Contact the publisher for more details on that:

For as little as $25 a year, local groups and businesses can purchase advertising on this website. Contact the publisher to learn more about those opportunities.

Newspaper circulation

Circulation is currently over 1,650 copies per week, mostly through paid subscriptions. As of now (January 1, 2025) we have over 1,590 paid subscribers who enjoy the Bonanza Valley Voice each week. We are consistently adding new subscribers at the Bonanza Valley Voice, a trend that we work hard to keep going. We grew by "leaps and bounds" in the fall of 2016 and through December, and the growth increased more so in 2017 and into 2018. We are far and away the largest newspaper in our price range in central Minnesota.

Publication and advertising guidelines

We prefer to have advertising ready to go by noon on Tuesdays each week of printing. For example, if you want your ad to be in that week's newspaper, we would prefer having the text for a classified or the display ad graphic before Tuesday at noon. Our e-mail is

We would gladly help design advertising for any group or business that wishes to advertise. The cost for this is included in the advertising rate.

The print advertising rate is $4.50 per column inch as of 2025 and can vary at lower rates depending on the ad campaign sought by the group, business or individual wishing to promote their goods or services.

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