Small Business Saturday

On the heels of Black Friday's madness Small Business Saturday, a day when we can celebrate the perks of keeping money close to home.

Did you know that for every $100 spent in locally-owned independent stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll and other spending. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here. Spend it online and nothing comes home.

The Bonanza Valley, while lacking in big-box stores, has a rich variety of locally-owned shops and places where a great deal of Holiday / Christmas shopping can take place. Do your part and help ensure it stays that way!

The Belgrade Hardware Store is excited about their Holiday Open House on Saturday this weekend. (For more details, subscribers to the Bonanza Valley Voice in the Brooten, Sunburg and Belgrade area should refer to the flier insert in this week's issue.)

** Mudslingers Coffee will re-opeon for business on Saturday, November 28 (7 a.m. to noon that day) and will resume regular business hours thereafter.


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