Notice of public hearing: Stearns County Planning Commission

Notice of Public Hearing of the Stearns County, Planning Commission

Notice is hereby given that the Stearns County Planning Commission, in and for the County of Stearns, will conduct certain public hearings as follows:

• To consider a request for a conditional use permit submitted by Lyndon Martin, Brooten MN according to Sections 4.8, 6.42 and 9.1.5 of Stearns County Land Use and Zoning Ordinance #439 to operate a motor vehicle repair business, accessory to a residential use in the Agricultural 160 (A-160) zoning district. The proposal is located in part of the NE1/4 lying south of County Rd 18, in Section 32, Raymond Township (125/35). The property address is 47783 County Rd 18, Brooten MN.

When and where is the meeting?

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020

Time: 6:00 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE)

Location: Stearns County Administration Center

705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, MN 56303

In response to COVID-19, and pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 12 relating to Emergency Management, Governor Walz has declared a state of emergency.  In response to the state of emergency and in accordance with Minnesota Statute Chapter 13D.021, Planning Commission members and the applicant may participate by telephone or other electronic means. The meeting will be broadcast live at: In Person comments will not be heard, to conform with MDH and CDC guidelines to minimize gatherings.

How do I participate?

Public Testimony: if you would like to participate in public testimony by telephone or other electronic means, please contact Jennifer Buckentine at < > or by phone at (320) 656-3613.

Written Testimony: you may submit written testimony by emailing by 3 p.m. on the hearing date. Written testimony may also be mailed to the Stearns County Environmental Services Department, Administration Center, 705 Courthouse Square Room 343, St. Cloud, MN 56303.

Comments on this public hearing are not limited to those persons receiving copies of this notice. If you know of any interested person, who for any reason has not received a copy of this notice, it would be appreciated if you would inform them of this public hearing.

Where can I view the application?

A copy of the application can be viewed approximately one week prior to the meeting at Action taken on this request will be available shortly after the meeting at the same website location.

What if the meeting changes?

This meeting is subject to change. Please sign up for automatic updates for this meeting at Call the Department for assistance.

What is the next step?

The Stearns County Board of Commissioners will consider this request on October 20, 2020. The agenda can be found at: Interim Use Permits and Conditional Use will be placed on the consent agenda which is heard at the beginning of the agenda. To inquire how to request an item be placed under the regular agenda for discussion, please contact the Department. If the Board of Commissioners do not concur with the Planning Commission, they will hold another public hearing and new notice will be sent.

/s/ Jeff Bertram, Chair

Stearns County Planning Commission

Barrier-free Status: This meeting will be accessible to the handicapped. Attempts will be made to accommodate any other individual need for special services. Please call (320) 656-3613 early so arrangements can be made.


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