COVID jab cripples Germany teenager

This story is appalling.

Two-and-a-half years ago, Selin Islami was a top gymnast in Germany. Her life was turned upside down when she received the second jab of the BioNTech treatment. After the girl's second COVID jab, she lost the ability to walk, the ability to swallow properly and the ability to open her eyes properly. She had ongoing double vision and difficulty breathing, and she spent the next year in the hospital fighting for her life. During this time, Selin suffered severe vascular damage and multiple blood clots.

Her family is now receiving 854 Euros per month as compensation for her drug-induced injuries. This is the equivalent of $930 a month in the United States.

This all happened after taking what the U.S. federal government and Big Pharma calls a perfectly "safe and effective" vaccine that is not a vaccine but more accurately is a drug that offers a treatment and not actual protection against the disease like a traditional vaccine.


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