Brooten lighted Christmas parade (VIDEO)

Main Street in Brooten was the site of multiple activities on Saturday, December 9, featuring the annual Brooten Santa Day. The fun concluded with a lighted Christmas parade north of the KaDe Shack and traveling south down Central Avenue.

A total of 14 units participated, with a group of horse riders bringing up the rear in style. Temperatures hovered in the upper 20s. It was a fantastic day in Brooten!

Parade participants included:

1. Miss Brooten Royalty: Samantha Baker, Madison Hofmann, Faith Radermacher, Emma Radermacher, Alayni Worms and Ella Jenniges.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.

3. Brooten Fire Department.

4. Belgrade Fire Department.

5. Glacial Ridge Ambulance.

6. Bonanza Valley State Bank.

7. Paul Gruber Baling.

8. Bonanza Valley Trail Blazers.

9. KaDe Shack.

10. Lakeside Foods.

11. County Line Market and Liquor.

12. Belgrade Royal Ambassadors.

13. Brooten Auto Parts and Justin Vogel Racing.

14. The Sedan area horse riders.

The attached video features the full parade that night.


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