West Lake Johanna to celebrate 150th

Organizers behind a special 150th anniversary day of celebration at West Lake Johanna Lutheran church invite friends and extended family to visit on Sunday, August 20 this summer.

Worship service with Holy Communion begins at 10:30 a.m. that day. A noon meal will follow catered by the Padua Pub (free-will offering). Special music will be provided by Tony Sanders (organ) and Daniel Peterson (vocal). Past members of the church who have gone into the ministry will also be at the celebration.

Donations are being sought to help defray costs of the day of celebration. Money can be sent to either Sherry Tvedt or Jerry Skarpness. rstvedt@hotmail.com or jskarpness@hotmail.com.

For future viewing, the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper will record the morning worship. Full coverage of the event will be published in the Aug. 24 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice.


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