Suspected animal abuse in Elrosa

Incident took place on Sunday, January 10

A middle-aged man was seen by multiple witnesses dragging a leashed small dog down an alley in Elrosa at about 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, January 10. One individual who witnessed the incident yelled at the man, who ignored the plea to stop dragging the dog by the leash.

The temperature hovered at about two degrees below zero while this was happening.

The location of the alley where this took place runs behind 111 State Street in Elrosa, or what is more commonly known as Highway 71 that runs through town.

The initial witness said this, "I cannot believe how cruel people are. I just saw a 250- to 300-pound man dragging a little dog on a leash outside, and the dog flew in the air how many times. The man was confronted and told he was abusing the dog, he started swearing at us like he wasn't doing anything wrong."

When asked for more details, this description of the man was provided: unkept clothes, late 40s with a black and gray beard dark Carhartt-style work bibs. Witnesses are fairly certain the man does not live in Elrosa.

The dog was a small black lab or shepherd pup weighing less than 10 pounds.

If anyone has more information on the identity of this man that could lead to his arrest or prosecution, a $200 reward is being offered by a private party. Please call the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper for more details at 320-346-2400.

A report to law enforcement is pending.

**Update at noon: the individual has been identified, and it appears that the reward money can be offered to one of the anonymous persons who phoned in tips. Thank you to the public for your response to this story. We will continue posting updates as this develops. All information has been turned over to the Stearns County Sheriff's Department for follow-up.


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