TeBrake family benefit is June 12

Allegra TeBrake, age 16, is an 11-year survivor of brain cancer. Allegra had a new surgical procedure done in January 2016 and the family is currently facing expenses for travel to various appointments. While the LITT procedure does appear to be successful in its main intent, Allegra continues to struggle with mobility issues on the left side, as well as headaches and other issues as a result of brain trauma.

Allegra, a junior at Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa high school, is the daughter of Mark and Denise TeBrake. She has a younger sister, Chandler, who is in seventh grade at B-B-E.

The public is invited to join the family for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship and help the TeBrake family offset ongoing expenses.

WHEN: Sunday, June 12th 2016 from Noon to 2:00 PM

WHERE: Salem Covenant Church at 7811 NW 135th St. Pennock, MN.

A free-will donation pulled pork meal will be served.

Silent Auction - bids close at 1:45 PM.

Monetary donations can be sent to: Allegra TeBrake Benefit Account

North American State Bank 321 Washburn Ave. Belgrade, MN 56312

This is a Thrivent-sponsored event.


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