Elementary section data at B-B-E

Comparison of 2011-12 to the 2016-17 school year

After extensive digging of section data at Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa, the following information was uncovered. It shows a comparison of the 2011-12 school year to the current school year. It shows that 22 classrooms were in use for K-6 regular education as well as the Jaguar Kids Connection in the 2011-2012 school year. (Today, the school has 20 rooms in use for those purposes.)

The information also shows that the school building had approximately 50 to 55 more students in the building on any given school day (2011-12 compared to today).

2011-2012 school year, elementary data at B-B-E.

6th grade - 2 sections

5th grade - 2 sections

4th grade - 2 sections

3rd grade - 2 sections

2nd grade - 3 sections

1st grade - 3 sections

Kindergarten - 2 sections


35 (Pre-B)

17 (Pre-A)

16 (Pre-I)

14 (toddlers)

8 (infants)

The building had approx. 483 students in 2011-2012.

16 total classrooms used for K-6 instruction

• K-6 enrollment was 393 students across 16 classrooms.

• The JKC had approximately 90 students across 6 classrooms

• Of the kids’ classes who were in elementary school in 2011-2012, the net loss in students in those grades (current 11th graders through current 4th graders) has been approximately 40 students…the current 4th-11th grade has 353 students. If we kept those students who are today missing from those grade levels, K-12 enrollment would be near 670, not near 630.

2016-2017 school year, elementary

6th grade - 2 sections

5th grade - 2 sections

4th grade - 3 sections

3rd grade - 2 sections

2nd grade - 2 sections

1st grade - 2 sections

Kindergarten - 2 sections

15 total classrooms used for K-6 instruction

• K-6 enrollment is 328 students across 15 classrooms

• The JKC has approximately 98 students across 5 classrooms

At any given time, our elementary building has around 425 to 430 students as of today, September 16, 2016.

This will be updated to a small extent over this weekend.


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