Summer Youth Retreat in Belgrade July 15-20

The Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa Catholic churches are excited to announce the coming of Totus Tuus, a new Summer Youth Retreat available locally during the week of July 15-20.

Totus Tuus, which means "totally yours", is a summer Catholic youth program focused on sharing the Gospel and promoting your faith. This week-long program is a great opportunity for youth to immerse themselves in the joy and treasure of being Catholic.

The program for youth of Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Donatus and St. Francis de Sales Catholic churches and their friends, will be led by four young people (two men and two women) chosen for their high energy, enthusiasm, love for the faith, commitment to spiritual growth, ability to work with a team and a desire to work with youth.

*Summer Youth Retreat itinerary*

When: July 15-20.

Where: the St. Francis de Sales Catholic church parish center in Belgrade.

Who: all youth grades 1 to 6 (Monday to Friday, July 16-20 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) and grades 7-12 (Sunday to Thursday, July 15-19 from 7 to 9 p.m.).

How to register: contact Mary Mohs at 320-980-5701 (e-mail:, or stop at the Parish Office/Rectory in Belgrade or at the St. Donatus office in Brooten during regular office hours.

Also, youth in grades 9-12 are needed to volunteer to help with grades 1-6. Grandparents, please send your grandchildren! In addition, parish members and friends are invited to a parish pot luck dinner on Wednesday, July 18 from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to come meet the Totus Tuus team the night of the 18th and learn about the program. To close the night, the team will lead the children in some songs and a Q & A session with the kids to show the parish what the 1st to 6th grade youth have been learning throughout the week.

Some testimonies: "Totus Tuus is a great opportunity to gain a stronger relationship with God, along with having more faith in Him." 

"My children have been participating in Totus Tuus for five years. The program has my full support because it has the right focus."


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