Multiple changes in the Bonanza Valley area

*Updated at 11:47 a.m. on Thursday, March 19

As of Thursday morning, March 19, here are a few changes taking place in the business community to help mitigate the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in our area. Also, Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa schools wants parents to know that, Monday through Friday, food can be delivered to their doorsteps.

Food service information for the B-B-E district

Taher and B-B-E school district wants to make sure local children continue to have access to food during this unplanned time off due to the COVID-19 virus. The school is offering free meals for all youth ages 1 to 18, starting Wednesday, March 18 through Friday, March 27. Meals are available for pick up at the elementary school, Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Also, at the high school, cold meals will be available for pick up during that same one-hour period each day (parents are still asked to call ahead so the school can properly prepare those meals)...furthermore, the district will deliver free of charge, five days a week. Parents can call the school (320-346-2278) or fill out an online Google Doc form to get signed up:

The B-B-E Area Food Shelf food and cash drive has been extended through May 6.

At Bonanza Valley State Bank in Brooten

The bank is closing the lobby, however, ATM is still available in the entry way. Also, the drive-up window is open, and staff are in the building and able to respond to e-mails and phone calls. The lobby will remain closed until March 27, at which time this will be re-visited.

At Rustic Stables Stylists in Brooten

The hair salon in Brooten is closed through at least March 27. This is to comply with the state's executive order.

At the KaDe Shack in Brooten

The KaDe Shack in Brooten is closed to the public in accordance with the governor's executive order. However, owner Tom Kampsen is holding take-out hours and can still have off-sale for the time being, which also complies with that same state executive order. The public can call in to-go orders between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. (this went into effect today)'ll have to knock at the east or west door and wait for him to bring you your food. He may specify which door to come to once you talk to him to place your order. Give Tom a call at 320-346-2233.

At Coop's Corner in Belgrade

At Coop's Corner, owner Dani Davis and her staff are doing take-out orders as well. Their restaurant (take-out only) hours are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Also, the C-store will be closing at 8:30 p.m. each night. The Voice hopes share a few items for the public. The phone number to Coop's Corner is 320-254-3204.

At the Padua Pub

The Padua Pub also is offering take-out food. Their hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and then 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Their phone number 320-352-2683.

That's all we have at this point, but other announcements will likely come in, and updates to this web article are forthcoming. If you have information for the B-B-E community that should be posted here, please e-mail it to (copy and paste this e-mail address)

At Norway Lake Lutheran parish

Services at East Norway Lake and First Lutheran churches in rural New London for Sunday, March 22 are cancelled. Also, mid-week Lenten services on March 25 are cancelled. This issue is being re-visited on a weekly basis. Audio for their March 15 service will be posted today on their website:

Also, here's the latest that needs to be shared, an important local hotline for citizens of the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa's a separate web article at the Bonanza Valley Voice website describing the local COVID-19 hotline at Glacial Ridge Health System in Glenwood/Brooten/Starbuck. (Short link)

As of this morning, over 3,000 people in Minnesota have been tested for COVID-19. Of those tests, 89 came back with a "positive" result. Nationwide, as of noon on March 19, the United States has 11,234 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with a total of 161 deaths attributed to COVID-19.


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