Update for Voice subscribers

Greetings to those of you on the World Wide Web who have visited our Bonanza Valley Voice website! I want to share an update on our building of the subscriber database for web viewing of the newspaper.

The list of 1,500-plus subscribers is being "transformed" into the proper spreadsheet format for our website software. This software, created by the Lions Light Corporation, will allow paid subscribers to log in and view the printed newspaper pages on their computer or Smartphone device. This has been a work in progress since 2017, and after two years of not devoting the time needed to get it done, we are finally getting it done.

Subscribers will not have to pay extra for this feature. If a subscriber has already paid and still wants to view the newspaper online, they can register as a "trial" subscriber. This can be done without an online payment. Once that registration has come through, I can convert the trial subscription into a regular online subscription.

If anyone has questions on this, please e-mail me at lifeinbonanzavalley@gmail.com.

~ Randy Olson, Bonanza Valley Voice publisher


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