Belgrade consignment auction is May 15 (VIDEO)

Ziemer Auction Service asks for consignments to be advertised to be itemized by April 29

The friendly, energetic staff of Ziemer Auction Services, the fastest talkers in town, invites everyone to the Belgrade spring consignment auction on Saturday, May 15 starting at 9 a.m., located on the north edge of Belgrade along Main Street (which is north of the train tracks).

The public is encouraged to submit their consignments to Ziemer Auction Services by Thursday, April 29. This allows their staff to provide the best possible advertising for such items. You can contact them by calling 320-354-4312 or by emailing them at

Wanted are items including, but not limited to: tractors, farm machinery, hay equipment, construction equipment, collectibles, sporting goods, hay and straw, livestock equipment, horse equipment, lawn equipment and miscellaneous. (Sorry, but no vehicles)

For additional information and consigning items, please call: 320-354-4312 (Mark) or 320-354-5308 (Brian). Again, for best advertising, please call by Thursday, April 29. Ziemer Auction Services, e-mail Website:


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