Eyewitnesses: gun brandished at KaDe Shack

Multiple law enforcement personnel descend on downtown Brooten on April 29

Multiple eyewitnesses reported that a handgun was pulled on an individual at the KaDe Shack on Thursday, April 29. The incident took place around 5 p.m., and at least eight police cars, two unmarked, responded to investigate and obtain eyewitness statements. Unfortunately, the person seen brandishing the gun was masked, so firm identification is likely not possible.

These law enforcement agencies were seen in town: Belgrade police department, Stearns County Sheriff, Paynesville police department and the Minnesota State Patrol.

From what was seen on main street between 5 and 8 p.m., law enforcement were able to de-escalate the situation while conducting their investigation.

As of 7:30 p.m., the gun in question was unable to be found by law enforcement, and the police presence began to subside.

Minnesota state statutes prohibit brandishing a weapon in public with intent to cause harm. However, a crime is not committed if a gun is seen on a person and no intent was shown to cause harm.

*Friday update: another source reported that the individual in question who was reported to have brandished a hand gun has had an ankle monitor on one of their legs. As of Friday afternoon, no reports have been issued by law enforcement of what happened.


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