BREAKING: yet another week in the B-B-E zip codes with no new COVID-19

July 15 Minnesota Department of Health report brings continued good news

Good news, good news, good news!

The July 15 Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 report brought more good news to the zip code areas of Brooten, Belgrade and Elrosa. The trend that dates back to June 17, 2021 continues with no new COVID-19 cases reported in the city and rural areas of the zip codes 56316, 56312 and 56325. This area includes a population of approximately 4,300 men, women and children.

Since January 2020, the Brooten zip code (population approximately 1,500) has reported a cumulative total of 159 COVID-19 cases. No new COVID-19 cases have been reported in the 56316 zip code since May 20. For Belgrade's zip code of 56312 (population approx. 2,600), the last reported COVID-19 case was released in the June 17 MDH report. The June 17 report listed one new COVID-19 case for the zip code area of Belgrade.

Dating back to December 16, 2020, the zip code (town) of Elrosa (population approx. 230) has reported just one new COVID-19 case. Since January 2020, the town of Elrosa has had just 18 documented cases of COVID-19, which includes symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.

With a little luck on our side, the Bonanza Valley Voice news department will update this web article with additional information from area zip codes.

Sidebar: In the embedded video, explanation is given to new meta-analysis data from 4.8 million hospitalizations which found that 94.9 percent of COVOD-19 patients had these common underlying health conditions that are largely preventable: (1) high blood pressure (2) lipid imbalances (3) obesity and (4) anxiety.

A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies with similar questions.


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