Public Safety in the Park (in Elrosa) is August 15

Everyone is invited to Elrosa to meet local public safety personnel

The public from across the Bonanza Valley area and beyond are invited to the Public Safety in the Park night on Monday, August 15 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic church in Elrosa (302 State Street, Elrosa, 56325) Come and meet your local law enforcement, fire fighters and EMS responders! Everyone invited!

This is a family-friendly event for all ages with FREE popcorn and drinks! Local agencies who will be present include the Belgrade-Brooten police department, Stearns County Sheriff, MN State Patrol, Elrosa fire department, Sauk Centre ambulance plus K9 officer Jax with handler Deputy Adam Johnson.

Update: the Sheriff's office reported that the LifeLink III helicopter will be landing at about 6 p.m. or shortly thereafter on Monday at this event. This is another opportunity for people of all ages to see emergency response personnel and their equipment on an up-close basis outside of an emergency situation. It is a very educational experience.


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