Endless amazement (VIDEO)

From the desk of the newspaper publisher:

On Tuesday night, December 6, I recorded this short sports show in the courtyard behind the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper office. (Video below)

Here's another example of what I'm getting at in that video. Back on the night of September 23, 2019, I was having a very hard time here with the newspaper. There were many things swirling over my head at the time, and I was really at my wit's end. That fall I was starting to form plans to sell the newspaper the following January.

On that special evening in the fall of 2019, I attended the B-B-E high school Homecoming coronation. I will never forget it. The atmosphere that night was wonderful. The kids were so happy. Tremendous effort had been exerted by the student council and others to decorate and set up the most marvelous coronation program. The youngest high school attendants were freshmen that day: Ella Halvorson and Justin Lundberg. The crown bearers were Clark Herding and Brooklyn Breitbach (current fourth graders)...everyone else who was on the stage that day have since graduated. They have moved on to adulthood with college and jobs. We miss them all, but as we all know: you can't keep your kids around forever. They grow up and move on. The hands of time continue marching, sometimes in cruel and brutal ways. We can only hope and pray that we can be fortunate enough that some of these kids will move back and raise their families here some day.

The grand sum of that evening in the fall of 2019 gave me an incredible high and a remarkable boost that helped me shake off the negativity that had been swirling around my life. The kids on the stage that day at B-B-E inspired me. It was a marvelous and unforgettable experience that I will carry with me all my days on earth. You can reminisce as I have while I wrote this by clicking on the following link: https://bit.ly/3iMv20n. That will bring you to the Bonanza Valley Voice photo gallery from Homecoming coronation that night.

Today Ella Halvorson and Justin Lundberg are part of the senior class at B-B-E: the Class of 2023. This is a truly special group of kids. I can't even begin to describe. I could try, but I would fall short. These kids have been part of an extraordinary stretch of years at B-B-E where we have had so many incredible accomplishments in addition to countless trials and tribulations. I could hardly begin to go through the full list of what we've been through.

The good news right now, right here in this very moment is that we get to have this Class of 2023 in our community for a few more months.

We are richly blessed with great people in Jaguar Country.


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