Bonanza Valley Days exceeds expectations again (VIDEO)

Bonanza Valley Days outdid itself as a small town celebration this past weekend in Brooten. Beyond a random hiccup here and there, the full four-day weekend of activities in Brooten drew visitors from near and far across central Minnesota.

One example of the terrific interest in BVD: on Saturday, the BVD Bean Bag tournament quickly filled out with 50 teams for the first time in recent history. Last year this event included 39 teams.

The July 13 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice included 37 photos from BVD activities. Page one featured a long list of figures and totals from turnout across many of those activities. One of the most exciting achievements of BVD 2023 was the B-B-E Scouts BSA Troop No. 667 waffle feed, which had an outstanding turnout of over 500 customers for the third straight year!

Video featured with this web article includes footage from the Brooten fire department chicken BBQ supper on Friday, July 7 at the city park.

Additional rounds of BVD photos will be published in the July 20 and July 27 issues of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper.


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