The Deep State is in deep trouble!

The jig is up for the Deep State players in America who are, without question, public enemy No. 1 of American citizens.

It's now coming to light that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target advisors to President Donald Trump long before the summer of 2016.

Sources with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) have stated that the United States Intelligence Community asked the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance to surveil at least 26 associates of Trump and share the intelligence with US agencies.

In the spying process, the US IC had identified these 26 associates as people to make contact with or manipulate, which is called "bumping" in the government intelligence world. They were targets of the US's own IC and law enforcement, targets for collection and misinformation.

A report said that British intelligence was making contacts with Trump associates as early as March 2016.

The report was written by independent journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag. Schellenberger's Substack Public published the report on Tuesday this week (February 13). It can be found by clicking on the following link:


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